For those who have checked this blog, it has been a year and a half since we posted anything. That's too long, but hopefully those interested found what was going on, on Facebook. Here is a brief update: We are living in Annapolis and loving it. I am finishing a masters in leadership, education and development at the University of Maryland. After I am finished with the masters, I will be working at the Naval Academy for a few years. My back is better, and I am just tracking its status with semi-annual to annual MRI's. Praise God! Meredith is still with Arbonne, is doing well and really loves it. She has been able to get involved with a Bible study and mom's group (MOPS) at our church. We really do love our church and the Sunday school group we have been able to be involved with. And Mattox, He is walking all over the place now, talking up a storm (mostly in his own language), and can say mama, dada, cheese, lights, ball, trees...I think that's about it. It blows m
y mind just how much he can understand.
We are so thankful for where God has put us. He continually answers our prayers, and blesses us, even though we do not deserve it. If you have any thoughts as to how you can be good and follow all of the rules so that God will give you what you want, remember, that it is not our works that save us, nor is it what we do that is sufficient for
us, it is only because of His grace that we are both saved and are alive. Easter is more than eggs, it is about the grace of God, and the truth of Christ's resurrection. We live (literally) because He is alive.