Sunday, October 29, 2006

Surgery Update

Here is a quick update on the latest of my back situation: Last Monday Meredith and I met with the Oncologist, a very nice doctor at the Madigan Army Hospital in Tacoma, WA, and he was able to explain to us more details about my case and the treatment that I will be receiving after surgery. We learned that the type of tumors that I have are not “malignant,” that is they are not spreading or growing rapidly to other parts of my body. They are “benign,” but are still growing at a slow rate. Most cases show about a ten year period for tumor regrowth, I am little bit more special because mine came back in about three. However, on a scale of 1-4 with 4 being the most severe growing tumors, mine are a 1. The downside is that due to the location of the tumors, there is not much room for them to grow. So, as far as removal goes, I will be getting them removed in a similar fashion to the ones removed three years ago, but this time there is scar tissue from the last operation, which makes the surgery (called a resection) more difficult. Also complicating things are some of my nerve roots are being intertwined with the tumors. This makes them again difficult to remove without possibly causing nerve damage. Once surgery is complete and the doctor removes as much of the growths as he can, I will begin some radiation therapy, which aims to hault the growth of the tumors by killing their cells and making their multiplication very difficult. The therapy will begin three weeks after surgery and will be five days a week, for six weeks. Meredith and I have visited the fertility clinic in preparation for the possible sterility that may result from the radiation and both of us are very confident that God has a great plan for our family. Both my parents and Meredith’s parents will be coming up at different points throughout the entire process to aid in taking care of me and with the commute (1.5 hrs one way), etc.

Please continue to pray for my healing because, I know that with God all things are possible, and He can heal anyone. Keep believing! Other prayer requests: Surgeon being able to remove as much of the tumors as possible, radiation therapy (my strength—can make me a little weak and sick; Meredith’s strength—to deal with all of this and help take care of me), endurance (each day will be approx 3 hr commute—we are looking into staying in Tacoma for a couple of nights a week), and fertility and our children (isn’t it awesome that God already knows our children!). Thank you for your love and prayers.

In Christ Hands,
Jordan and Meredith
Matthew 6: 33

Philippians 4: 6-7
1 Peter 5: 7

Initial Letter to All

This is to inform you of my current situation.

As most of you may know, I had surgery on my back in March 2003 to remove what are known as ependymomas from my spinal region. These growths were causing severe nerve pain in my lower back/upper thigh region. The surgery was a great success, and the pain was gone until recently. About a year ago I began to experience a similar type pain down my left leg. MRI’s showed that there was regrowth of the tumors in slightly different areas near where the last ones were located. It turns out that there are three primary growth areas: one left, one lower, and one right (not separated by too many inches) along my spine. The left most is causing me my current pain. My wonderful neurosurgeon has said that he will for sure be able to get two of the growths, but the right most will be more difficult and could possibly leave some side effects (weakened right quadriceps muscle, burning, etc.). He still may be able to decrease the size of the right one regardless. All this was not too shocking (except for the difficulty of removal of right tumor), however, the doctor said that if I don’t get radiation therapy following my surgery, that these will continue to grow throughout my life. Hmm, there are many things that radiation therapy could mean, and honestly, Meredith and I are not too familiar with it, except for the chance that this can make me sterile, and we would really like to have children one day. As you can see, this is a very difficult situation for us both and for those we know (you), and this Monday we will meet with the Oncologist to be educated on radiation therapy. We will update you all as the information/events unfold.

This part is the coolest thing I have learned so far, and something that I didn’t grasp the last time I had this surgery: We often hear of people saying, “Why did God allow that to happen to me, him, or them?” Or “If God is a God of love, why are those people suffering, etc.” To leave out the fact that we are in a fallen, degrading world where sin dominates most everyone’s flesh, and as a result everything will one day pass away would be silly, but have we ever thought of everything that God allowed to happen to His own Son, the obvious being the torture He went through, and ultimately His death on the cross; or what about when He was in the desert for forty days and was probably suffering, not only physically (no food, water, etc), but also mentally? We would be foolish to think that if God allowed this to happen to His own son, why wouldn’t he allow this to happen to us, his children. The following hit me even harder than what Jesus went through: it is so incredible that God has allowed this to happen to me (twice!) and all the trials and pains we all go through. He has used and is going to use what I am going through right now to touch others and to bring them to His son. How precious are His thoughts for us—how much He cares for each of us that He would specifically use us. God could be so distant and uninvolved with His people’s lives that it could seem like He didn’t even exist, or if He did, we weren’t even on His mind. On the contrary, He specifically cares about each and every one of us. Enough to allow things like this to happen, so that He can be glorified.

Things to pray for us: Surgery (more difficult than last time because of scar tissue etc), radiation therapy (and all that entails), future of naval career/submarines (already get some radiation there :o), and most importantly that God uses this for His glory.

All of the above will take place if it is God’s will, however, I have seen and know His power, especially His power to heal. Please pray for His healing power. With God all things are possible! Believe with us.

Jordan and Meredith

Psalm 104, Proverbs 11:9, Matt 6:33